Please mark your calendars for another Second Serve pop-up sale! Friday April 29th! Tennis RI East Bay, 70 Boyd Avenue in East Providence is hosting this one. We will be selling from 10am to 7pm, and uncorking at around 5pm. It’s nice to shop with a little bubbly, am I right?
SAVE THE DATE: 4/29/22, 10am-7pm!
We are grateful to Tennis RI for having us us. We love having pop-ups at tennis facilities, because, as our site and name suggest, we are totally into tennis. Plus there is space to try on clothes in the dressing rooms and a mirror to check out possible purchases.
We will bring primarily spring and summer clothes to the sale, but if you have a special request from the website please email us and we will be sure to bring it (
I’m bringing these for sure:

These were marketed originally as men’s shorts, and the brand is Matt Andrews, a brand that was used by Zayre Corp. Anyone remember Zayre’s?

Zayre’s was a department store that I remember from the 1970s, although it was originally established in the 1950s (sadly it is no more, bought by the TJMaxx people). The store we went to was on Route 1 in South Attleboro, in the shopping center that crosses Rte 123. You know where I’m talking about? Where Star Market used to be. Where Thom McCann used to be. Where Elaine Powers used to be.
OMG Elaine Powers Figure Salon! My mother used to go there and “work out” on a machine that looked like a gi-normous rubber band that jiggled your sitting muscle into shape. I was fascinated by this machine but I was never allowed to get close to it as it was dangerous for kids like me. Probably dangerous for my mom. Add it to the long line of exercise gadgets that we Americans eat up.
I love the full body suits with tights that have the feet in them.
So, anyway, you had Elaine Powers, Star Market, Thom McCann, Zayres, a Hallmark store, and a Papa Gino’s in this shopping plaza. Papa Gino’s is the only store still there amazingly. The last time I was there I was a Brownie and we went to see how pizzas were made. Mmmmm pizza. Mmmmm brownies…
And there was an Arthur Treacher’s Fish and Chips where the D'Angelo's is now, in the very same hut-like building. Apparently Arthur Treacher’s is making a comeback. I will keep you posted as events unfold.
Back To The Shorts
These shorts are vintage all day long. They are blue and red plaid and faded, and in prime gently used condition (approximate measurements: waist-30, inseam-6.5, rise-11). They are a size medium, and 65% Cotton, 35% Polyester. I bought them at the Goodwill store in Attleboro, just north of where that Zayre’s shopping center used to be (it’s possible to go on for some time, in RI-speak. We all do it). They pretty much fit me but are a little tight around the thigh. I have been doing a lot of the Peloton lately and it’s prolly because of that (must be). Anyway, another resale item I am donating to our Second Serve, lucky you.
Please Donate!
Please come to the sale and bring some of your own clothing donations! We need donations to continue our mission of protecting the environment, and converting clothes to cash to fund nonprofits. I want to hear about your storied clothing! Start looking through your closets now, to get a jump on it. Spring cleaning!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
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