Before I started saving clothes for Second Serve I brought them to work and gave them to Kelly. I didn’t ask if she wanted them, probably should have, but I figured she could pick through and see. Hey we were the same size, both worked in family court, both have golden retrievers- seemed like a good fit.
Fast forward a couple years and I see on facebook that she is looking for recommendations for where to donate clothing. Yes I did think that maybe the clothes I had given her were stacked up in a “I can’t tell Amy I don’t want her clothes” pile and she was finally unloading them. But no matter, I told her I had this BIG IDEA and that I actually would take all her clothes that she wanted to unload, and, some day, I would put them on a website and raise money for community nonprofits. She was immediately on board, God bless her, and trusted the vision and wanted to be a part of it.
She brought four packed bags of clothes over my house in the middle of Covid. And just in case you are wondering, I only spotted one dress that was originally mine, that I gave to her way back when. You missed one Kelly! At any rate, meet Kelly, Second Serve’s first donor and also one of the most awesome people I have had the pleasure to know and work with. Kelly you are the best!!
"I donated to Second Serve because their mission and values are truly admirable. It has always been extremely difficult for me to go through my closet and part with clothes. Even if items no longer fit, or I was not regularly wearing them, they still held sentimental value (or I aspired to get them back into circulation someday). Second Serve made me feel great about putting together a donation. I knew that my clothing would benefit nonprofits, the community, and the environment through their resale and reuse. My clothes could be loved by someone else, and in turn be maximized as a resource. I can’t wait to go through my closet soon to make another donation!"

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