Our hearts are in LA- Select the Eaton Fire Relief and Recovery Fund of the Pasadena Community Foundation at checkout!


Hello Second Servers!

I am happy to report that our pop-up sale last week was a success, generating around $2,000 for nonprofits! Some of our prized possessions have found a new home. For example, this Teri Jon dress from Gale moved on to Alison’s closet. A perfect fit don’t you think? 

And here is Sadie, Alison’s daughter, with her new Ash sneakers. Oh how I love a wedge sneaker (these were mine). And in glorious green!  Isn’t she adorable?

Now that we have some more room in storage, I am going to make a pitch for donations. If you are a Rhode Islander (or live close to RI) and would like to donate please email me at amy@secondserveresale.org and we can chat about it. We can pick up donations from you!

Check out the site to see the brands we sell. We take clean designer and name-brand clothing, shoes, and accessories. We are working on our shoe and accessory collection and hope to share it with you online soon. We also like vintage items, and unique pieces that are interesting and cool. 

I’m sure you have something in your closet!

If you live further away, you may send us donations to: 

Second Serve 
110 Tom Harvey Road
Westerly, RI 02891 

We are a work in progress, and when we can afford to send you a free shipping bag, or figure out another easy way for out-of-staters to donate, we will do it. 

I need to give a shout out here to my cousin, Elena, who sent me a big box of clothing and shoes from Las Vegas. They came packaged in a Chewie box (the online pet store), so I didn’t open it for days, assuming it was dog food for Chowder. Thankfully I figured it out in time for the sale! Below is Elena and my other cousins circa 1978. She is the tiny one on the right in the pink bathing suit. (That’s me in the middle with my other cousins, Tracy, Becky and Katie. Ladies, I will hit you up next!). 

Thank you, Elena! Your Christain Louboutin’s sold for $250! 

I know we can all tap our closets for resale. And boy do we have stuff in our closets. A striking statistic I learned recently is that only a tiny percentage of resellable clothing is being sold. According to a resale report by The Business of Fashion, “only 5-7% of all resaleable fashion globally was resold in 2020, resulting in $2.1 trillion in fashion items sitting untapped in closets.” 

Globally!  Who knows how they figured that out, but do we really need to crunch the numbers to believe it? Just look in your closet!

So think about what you will donate. And when your closet is bare, shop Second Serve to re-populate it! 

Second Serve is here to sell your donations to fund nonprofits, so they can do good work in our communities. It is also here as a resale store for you to buy the clothes you want and need, while leaving the environment intact. This is our mission! And it's fun!

Donation. Conservation. Restoration. Transformation! I am re-writing U2's song "Bad" right now. What a great song. I'm wide awaaaaakkkkkke!

Alexa play U2!

Have a great weekend everyone.



  • Jesse Seiple

    Who is the cute blonde haired kid in bottom left? I bet he grew up to be handsome.

  • Robert Seiple

    I am starting to look forward to your next blog. And I never even wore a dress!

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